Climate-Smart Agriculture on the curriculum

A new interdisciplinary project, EVECSA (European Vocational Education in Climate Smart Agriculture), is set to bring knowledge about climate-smart agriculture directly to agricultural schools through a unique collaboration between Danish agricultural education programs and Aarhus University. The project participants aim to equip the next generation of farmers with the tools they need to tackle future challenges by supporting education with the latest research-based knowledge.

The interdisciplinary EVECSA project aims to ensure that agricultural schools gain direct access to the latest knowledge on climate-smart agriculture. Through collaboration between Danish agricultural schools and Aarhus University, the project will strengthen education and prepare future farmers for the challenges ahead.. Photo:

The EVECSA project involves four Danish agricultural schools: Bygholm Agricultural School, Asmildkloster Agricultural School, Viden Djurs, and the Agricultural College Aarhus, as well as Aarhus University and Food & Bio Cluster. Aarhus University’s Department of Agroecology conducts research on climate-smart agriculture, among other things, which helps ensure new and sustainable methods for future farming. The practical integration of research-based knowledge in climate-smart agriculture into vocational schools is the core focus of the project. The participants aim to make this knowledge a part of the daily teaching at agricultural schools, ensuring that future farmers are better equipped to handle challenges like climate change.

Kasper Hvelplund Overgaard, the Danish coordinator of the project from Asmildkloster Agricultural School, explains the importance of collaboration between educational institutions:

"As an agricultural school, we are keen to stay ahead in the development of the agricultural sector and to prepare our students to engage with the future of the industry. We aim to provide our students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies to find new sustainable solutions and to generally move the sector in a more sustainable direction. To succeed in this, it is crucial that we collaborate not only with other agricultural schools but also with businesses and knowledge institutions that work on sustainable solutions in various ways. For us, partnerships with other schools, businesses, and knowledge institutions are key to training skilled and proactive individuals for the agricultural sector."

Fact Box: What is Climate-Smart Agriculture?

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is a sustainable approach to farming that aims to increase productivity while adapting to climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. CSA is based on three main principles:

  • Increased productivity: By improving agricultural practices, CSA seeks to secure higher and more sustainable yields, which is essential for future food security.
  • Adaptation to climate change: CSA helps farmers adapt their methods to changing climate conditions, such as extreme weather events, shifts in rainfall patterns, and temperature changes.
  • Reduction of climate footprint: CSA works to reduce agriculture’s environmental impact by cutting greenhouse gas emissions, preserving soil fertility, and optimizing resource use, such as water and energy.

The goal of climate-smart agriculture is to ensure that farming can continue to provide food in the future while also contributing to solutions for climate challenges.



Goals and expectations

The goal of the EVECSA project is to develop innovative teaching methods that not only increase students’ interest in climate-smart agriculture but also ensure better implementation of these methods in future farming practices. When students learn about these methods, there is a strong likelihood they will use them when they start working on Danish farms in the future. Additionally, the collaboration creates a visible pathway from agricultural schools to higher education at Aarhus University in fields such as plant and food sciences and animal science.

"We hope that EVECSA will inspire more young people to pursue a career in agriculture, particularly those interested in climate-friendly and sustainable solutions. By sharing our knowledge from the university with students at agricultural schools, we hope they will adopt these methods and use them in their future farming careers," says Anne Krog Ingerslev from Aarhus University, who also highlights that the project places great emphasis on knowledge-sharing and developing collaboration among stakeholders in climate-smart agriculture.

Aarhus University contributes the latest research and expertise in climate-smart agriculture. This is done through knowledge-sharing and collaboration with agricultural schools, where the university’s researchers will play an active role in developing learning programs and enhancing teaching at the schools.

A European collaboration

The EVECSA project is not just a national initiative but part of a larger European collaboration involving countries such as Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain. The project brings together expertise from across Europe to develop and implement innovative teaching methods in climate-smart agriculture. The project aims to establish regional cooperation in the participating countries to work together on improving professional training for farmers and agricultural workers. This transnational collaboration allows for knowledge exchange across borders, ensuring that the best solutions are applied to strengthen sustainable farming across Europe through a pan-European effort.

New paths for education

With EVECSA, the hope is that more students will be drawn to agricultural education, particularly those interested in addressing the many challenges the sector faces. The project provides students at agricultural schools not only with access to the latest knowledge but also with an understanding of how research can be applied in practice in their future careers. Teaching will be enriched with innovative and hands-on learning activities that make the subject more tangible and relevant for students.

Additionally, EVECSA will create a stronger bridge between vocational schools and higher education institutions such as Aarhus University. Here, students will have the opportunity to see how they can further their education in fields like climate and agriculture, with a particular focus on sustainability. At the same time, the project enhances the professional profile of agricultural schools, making them more attractive to prospective students interested in a future within climate-friendly solutions in the agricultural sector.

In the long term, the hope is that the EVECSA collaboration will inspire more young people to choose a career that not only involves farming but also equips them with the competencies and skills to make climate-smart decisions, thus taking responsibility for the green transition.

More Information

Read more: You can learn more about EVECSA here.

  • Danish project coordinator Kasper Hvelplund Overgaard from Asmildkloster Agricultural School. Email:
  • Anne Krog Ingerslev, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University. Tel: +45 93522914 or email: