Call for abstracts: Arla Food for Health Conference 2021
Join the Arla Food for Health (AFH) annual conference, which will be held on 29 September in Aarhus and online. The conference consists of both presentations and a poster session, and you now have the opportunity to submit an abstract. You are also welcome, even if you are not yet involved in AFH research.

On 29 September, the Arla Food for Health (AFH) annual conference will take place at an Arla location in Aarhus - either Sønderhøj 14, Viby eller Arla Innovation Centre, Agro Food Park 19, Aarhus - and online.
At the conference, researchers from AU and KU will present data from AFH-funded research projects. These projects aim to understand the health effects behind dairy products and ingredients, in vitro, in-vivo and in clinical trials.
In addition, two key note speakers have been invited: Rikard Landberg, Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, and Dariush Mozaffarian, Professor at Tufts University.
Rikard Landberg will talk about dairy products in a personalized sustainable diet, while Dariush Mozaffarian will talk about the effect of dairy products on obesity and cardiometabolic health.
See the program here - Please note: From 13.50 the program is open to everyone. Before 13.50, the program is aimed at researchers who are involved in AFH projects or who intend to send an application to AFH.
Researchers working within all aspects of ingredient development, food science, food technology and health are invited to submit an abstract to the conference.
One abstract will be selected for an oral presentation and receive an award, while the remaining abstracts will be included in a poster presentation. All accepted abstracts will be published online after the conference.
You are also welcome to attend the conference without submitting an abstract. To register, please send an e-mail to - Please add if you are interested in physical attendance in Aarhus, or if you would like to participate online.