Annual report: Gain insight into the food and agricultural research at Aarhus University

DCA - Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture has published its annual report for 2019.

[Translate to English:] Morten Ambye-Jensen forsker i bioraffineringsteknologier, og det nye bioraffineringsanlæg på AU Foulum bliver en vigtig brik i omstillingen til et cirkulært og mere miljø- og klimavenligt landbrug. Foto: Lars Kruse, AU Foto.

Every year DCA - Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture publishes a report, which aims to provide information about the work that underpins the research-based policy support in food and agriculture at Aarhus University.

The publication covers research on climate, nutrients, circular bio-economy, technology, livestock, food and consumer behavior.

You can find out more about, how research into plants and climate at Aarhus University creates new knowledge that can contribute to reducing climate impact of agriculture and to climate-proofing the crops of the future. You can also read about the new biorefinery at Aarhus University in Foulum, about climate-friendly dairy cows, about how communication can reduce antibiotic consumption and about the new location of the Department of Food Science in Agro Food Park - and much more.

The necessary foundation for high-qualified policy support

The research provides the necessary foundation for high-qualified policy support to authorities, and the term research-based policy support thus comprises both the research-based advice and the underlying research.

The hope is that Perspective will generate interest and understanding – in research as well as policy support – and illustrate how these efforts help strengthen the foundation for important societal decision-making.