Udsat - ny dato senere i april vil blive annonceret: Brainstorming green transition research in food and agriculture

Join the brainstorming event on the green transitions within food and agriculture on April 1st 2020.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 1. april 2020,  kl. 09:30 - 15:30


Department of Food Science, Agro Food Park

Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF, also known as Independent Research Fund Denmark) will issue a call for research on Green Transition for 360 million DKK in 2020. The primary aim of this research will be to support the transition towards a climate neutral policy.

Three of the AU interdisciplinary centers working in this area (iCLIMATE, iFOOD and CBIO) have joined forces to host a networking event, where we invite AU researchers for dialogue and feedback on project ideas.

Read more about the event and sign up here