Peas as a protein source in foods

Peas are found in all shapes and sizes, they are adapted to the Danish climate and are full of protein. However, they seem to have fallen into oblivion. Now, the framework is described for a new initiative to study the potential of peas as an alternative to animal protein in foods.

[Translate to English:] Ærter har en fantastisk historie i Norden og var for bare få hundrede år siden en meget mere udbredt spise herhjemme. Foto: Colourbox
[Translate to English:] Ærter har en fantastisk historie i Norden og var for bare få hundrede år siden en meget mere udbredt spise herhjemme. Foto: Colourbox


Peas and other protein crops have long been in focus as protein sources in animal feed, and now the potential of peas as a replacement for animal protein in human foods will be examined.

Science Leader Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen, Department of Food Science at Aarhus University, is in charge of a new initiative, P-FOOD, where researchers from different parts of Aarhus University will describe the framework for a major initiative to study the potential of peas as a protein source in foods. The initiative is financed by iFOOD.

Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen explains:

- It seems obvious to study plant protein sources for foods, when considering the current climate agenda. It’s a fact that we have to find alternatives to animal protein in order to reduce the climate impact from global food production as well as to feed the growing world population. Going from animal to plant-based protein sources entails significant climate and environmental benefits, and consumers increasingly demand it. I look forward to this enrichment of the Nordic kitchen.

But then – why peas? Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen explains:

- In Scandinavia, peas have a fantastic history. A few hundred years ago, peas were a widely used food in Denmark and peas were an important protein source for the rural as well as the urban population. Back then, a large variety of peas were grown; today, however, we only know dried split peas and green peas, fresh or frozen and with or without pods. Therefore, it seems obvious to study whether peas may have a revival in our diets. Peas have excellent growing conditions in our part of the world, they have a positive effect in the crop rotation, and the Scandinavian climate ensures a high quality.

The entire chain

Based on a series of ongoing activities in the three participating departments, the purpose of P-FOOD is to examine relevant aspects of peas and other legumes as protein sources for humans along the entire chain: which varieties to grow and how, optimal management after harvest, health profile of peas and how to optimize this, what do consumers think of pea-based products, which pea products – at various levels of processing ranging from fresh or slightly preserved peas via snack products to pea flour – can you imagine?

And how may pea-based ingredients with specific purposes be part of the large-scale food industry?

Pea flour and plant-based minced meat are becoming increasingly popular in the food industry, and more companies are eager to introduce and product develop locally grown plant protein, e.g. from peas and faba beans, as a green and sustainable alternative to animal protein.

They do this both to strengthen the sustainability profile of the products and to meet the major consumer demand.

Further information

Interdisciplinary cooperation at AU

The iFOOD Centre was established in 2017 as one of a series of interdisciplinary centres at AU. Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen explains the iFOOD Centre’s role:

 - It is very important that iFOOD encourages interdisciplinary research at AU as in the case of P-FOOD. iFOOD provides the necessary support to initiate new cooperation relations and create a forum for increased interdisciplinary cooperation within the food area.

Partners in P-FOOD include: Department of Food Science, Department of Public Health and Department of Management – MAPP Centre, Aarhus University.

Science leader Hanne Lakkenborg Kristensen
Department of Food Science, Aarhus University
Phone: +45 8715 8354